Peace & Good Health in the New Year

Peace & Good Health in the New Year

As 2008 comes rapidly to a close, we at Chilmark Research can’t even begin to express our gratitude and thanks to all the individuals who have helped us along the way in 2008. This was a monumental year for us as it was in late May that we released our first...
The Google Health Strategy

The Google Health Strategy

Chilmark Research is furiously working on its next report that will take an in-depth look at the three major platform plays, Dossia, Google Health and Microsoft’s HealthVault.  Shaping up to be an excellent report (in our humble opinion) with a target release...

PHR Vendors Selected for CMS Demo

Though the official announcement is scheduled for tomorrow, CMS sent out a thin (little content) media advisory announcing the four winners (or might they be losers as they must shoulder all costs) who will have the opportunity to offer their PHR to CMS beneficiaries...
WebMD on the iPhone

WebMD on the iPhone

Last Thursday, WebMD released an iPhone app that is now the third most popular app in the health & wellness section. Pretty impressive popularity considering a modest user rating of three stars. Looking at the comments it is clear that WebMD rushed this product to...
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