
Allscripts Stabilizes, but What’s Next?

Allscripts Stabilizes, but What’s Next?

At the recent Allscripts Customer Experience (ACE) conference in Dallas TX, I was struck by how seemingly small this event was, though there was quite a bit going on. Client presentations were compelling and some of the vision that CEO Paul Black expressed was ahead of his customers. Today, it does appear that Allscripts has hit a good balance between what is needed while preparing for tomorrow, though it remains to be seen whether it can keep customers and shareholders happy while waiting for long-term innovative projects to gain traction.

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The Future Evolution of the HIT Market

The healthcare IT market is not much different than other software markets – it has its own particular nuances of course, but beyond that, the basic mechanics of how this market will evolve in the next five years will reflect what has occurred in other software markets, particularly the enterprise ERP market.

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Will Surescripts Become De facto NwHIN?

Will Surescripts Become De facto NwHIN?

Just as Healtheway looks to ween itself off the federal gravy train, Surescripts comes along and in a couple of quick strokes looks ready to drive a stake into the heart of Healtheway or at least any desire Healtheway may have to become the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN).

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