
Consumer Trends in Healthcare: A Provider Perspective

Consumer Trends in Healthcare: A Provider Perspective

The next generation of healthcare tools are here now. How can providers better engage with consumers to help them participate in their patient journey?
Chilmark Senior Analyst Alex Lennox-Miller sat down with Dr. Danny Sands, from the Society of Participatory Medicine, to talk about how providers can better engage their patients in their journey through the healthcare system.

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Hot Take | Remote Patient Monitoring: Enabling Omnichannel Care in the Home

Hot Take | Remote Patient Monitoring: Enabling Omnichannel Care in the Home

As the virtual care landscape continues to grow and shift, many questions surrounding the future of remote patient management are emerging. Issues ranging from accessibility, to devices, infrastructure, and more are all facets of the remote care model that should be thoroughly explored. Providers who use these platforms will need to have a thorough grasp on the unique issues surrounding this type of care going forward in this competitive marketplace.

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So What? Your Guide to the Biden Administration’s Key Health IT Influencers, Appointees and Leaders

So What? Your Guide to the Biden Administration’s Key Health IT Influencers, Appointees and Leaders

In the inaugural installment of the series, VP of Growth Strategy John Moore III takes a look at some high-level government officials, all of who will be on the frontlines of the evolving technology and healthcare policies of the federal apparatus. Some of them are new appointees, as the Biden administration attempts to redirect the nation’s course after an eventful four years, and some remain in their positions after being appointed under Trump.

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