
Is the Clash of Cultures Slowing the Adoption of Clinician Use of Analytics?

This Domain Monitor digs deeper into the evidence-based medicine debate to see if there are other ways to frame the discussion and could open up ways for data science to uncover local patterns beyond global means that could provide physicians with the data they need to practice the art of medicine while also being scientifically based and evaluated. The timeliness of this debate is important; as interest in precision medicine and personalized approaches to therapy grows, we will need to manage the tensions that could possibly emerge between Population Health Management and the world of n=1.

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Emergence of Medicine-as-a-Service (Beyond the Pill)

The move to Value Based Care (VBC) is changing the relationships that pharma has historically had with both payers and providers. The growing chronic disease burden, rise of digital health and commoditization of many drug-disease areas is forcing a rethinking of the underlying pharmaceutical (pharma) business model.

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