__In the News

HIE 2.0 hones in on ‘clinical network management’

The regulatory and political landscape has left some complicated policies for HIE nationwide, likely for the long-term the report said. National patient identifiers “will not happen,” the researchers wrote, noting the need, amid that absence, for regional, multi-organization master patient indexes.

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HIE 2.0 will be ‘clinical network management’

All of those vendors, if they’re looking for “the missing pieces,” as Chilmark researchers wrote, should think of HIE and care coordination through a play on a real estate industry adage: “Analytics, analytics, analytics.”

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Health information exchanges in a state of transition

“No vendor is remotely close to being able to assemble an HIE 2.0 solution right now,” analyst Brian Murphy wrote in a blog post touting the report. “But many vendors are pushing hard and we expect the best to begin rolling out HIE 2.0 products by the middle of 2014.”

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Profiling HIE Vendors in a Rapidly Evolving Market

“HIE 2.0 applications will be knit together by comprehensive notification services that deliver the right information to the right clinician at the right time on the device or in the clinical application of their choice,” says Brian Murphy, lead analyst for the report. “No vendor is there yet, but several are aggressively moving to HIE 2.0 capabilities, while many others lag behind.”

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