Chilmark Research

Providing an objective perspective and framework in a complex and rapidly changing health IT market.


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For our provider partners, the Lighthouse Program is a way to access our research via short bi-annual interviews with our analyst team. In exchange for telling us your perspective on using healthcare IT in your practice, gain access to Chilmark’s library of research.

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Recent Articles and Research

Chilmark Media

Chilmark Research forms Elite Advisory Board of Seasoned Healthcare Executives

Chilmark Research forms Elite Advisory Board of Seasoned Healthcare Executives

Leading healthcare IT industry analyst firm Chilmark Research today announced the formation of the company’s first-ever Advisory Board. This new committee was established to represent a variety of roles and experiences within the healthcare industry, ensuring diversity in both expertise and personal experiences with the U.S. healthcare ecosystem.

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The Health Impact Project: GAAP for HCIT ROI? LOL GTFO

The Health Impact Project: GAAP for HCIT ROI? LOL GTFO

When legislation collides, and a call for the healthcare innovation equivalent to GAAP Summary In the second Chilcast episode featuring the Health Impact Project team, we go deeper with our exploration into the challenges of assessing the value of digital health and...

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Chilmark Media

The Health Impact Project: GAAP for HCIT ROI? LOL GTFO

The Health Impact Project: GAAP for HCIT ROI? LOL GTFO

Value Through the Lens of Veteran Health Tech VCs

Value Through the Lens of Veteran Health Tech VCs

Achieving Healthcare Transformation and Defining IT Value with John Glaser

Achieving Healthcare Transformation and Defining IT Value with John Glaser

Introducing the Health Impact Project

Introducing the Health Impact Project

Our Clients

A sample of the organizations we’ve worked with over the years

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